Eloro Resources’ First Drill Hole at the Iska Iska Project’s Central Breccia Pipe Encounters Multiple Mineralized Intercepts including 196 Grams Silver Equivalent/tonne (g Ag eq/t) over 56.2m and containing 343 g Ag eq/t (274 g Ag/t, 0.16% Sn and 0.16 g Au/t) over 27.5m

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on its Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. To date, the Company has completed 29 diamond drill holes totalling 11,696 metres to test the Huayra Kasa Mine area, Santa Barbara Breccia Pipe (“SBBP”) and Central Breccia Pipe (“CBP”) targets. This press release reports further drilling results from the first drill hole (CDN-01) to test the CBP from the northern radial platform. Figure 1 is a geological plan map showing locations of the drill holes and updated geological interpretation. Figure 2 is a NE-SW geological cross section through the eastern side of the SBBP and the northwest part of the CBP showing location of the main mineralized zone. Table 1 gives significant drilling results and Table 2 lists holes completed with assays pending. Highlights are as follows: