Eloro Announces Restart of Definition Diamond Drilling on the Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Updated modelling of the potential starter pit area at Santa Barbara indicates that areas with higher-grade mineralization typically have much better drilling density, whereas holes outside the core area are too widely spaced to give an accurate grade estimate. This increased drilling density is particularly important for defining the extent of the high-grade Ag-bearing and Sn-bearing structures, and for categorizing the mineral resources from inferred to indicated, which have a major influence on overall grade and resources that will contribute to the preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”). An initial program of 5,700m of diamond drilling in 13 holes in the Santa Barbara starter pit area is planned to better define the vertical and lateral extent of high-grade Ag mineralization; fill-in gaps that are presently categorized as low-grade or waste in the resource model but are very likely mineralized; expand the higher-grade Sn mineralization to the west; and complete an additional 1,400m in two large size PQ holes for further metallurgical testing. Drill pads are expected to be completed by mid-September for start up of this initial diamond drilling program. The Santa Barbara Adit and area will be of particular interest and focus, where previous systematic continuous channel sampling along the adit returned average grades of 164.96 g Ag/t, 0.46%Sn, 3.46% Pb and 0.14% Cu over 166m including 446 g Ag/t, 9.03% Pb and 1.16% Sn over 56.19m. Once this initial 7,100m drilling program is completed, an additional 7,000m drilling program is planned in the polymetallic Ag-Zn-Pb and Sn-Ag domains to produce an independent updated mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) which will be reported and incorporated into the PEA. The Eloro team continue to look for opportunities to process tin zones for recovery of cassiterite either after cessation of the aforementioned Ag-Zn-Pb project by adding a tin plant onto the existing flotation plant infrastructure already installed or construction of a stand-alone tin plant. A silver rich bi-product is envisaged from processing the tin-silver domain that would be commercialized separately. The tin–silver sulphide domain will be metallurgically tested so it can be included in the PEA study. A conceptual scoping study has been initiated that will identify the potential for developing an underground ramp into the core of the Santa Barbara zone, with the following objectives: Extract systematic bulk and channel samples to confirm grade and continuity of mineralization especially for Ag and Sn Generate samples for external laboratory bulk metallurgical test work Potentially leading to a small pre-concentration plant to generate additional metallurgical data on this important stage in the process and permit pre-concentrated “ore” that could be treated at Empresa Minera Villegas SRL’s lead-zinc-silver differential flotation plant located 15 km from Iska Iska for the production of silver-rich lead and zinc concentrates. This would potentially provide a source of short-term income to help support the capital and operating costs of this initiative. It would also demonstrate the technical viability of the pre-concentration plant unit processes in readiness for the 35,000 tonnes per day bulk tonnage open pit mine model envisioned for the PEA. Detailed geological and engineering work to further assess the ground-water quality, contamination risks, predicting geologic hazards, characterizing mineral resources and their extraction costs, producing geotechnical information, waste repository siting and general education. Provide access for targeted underground diamond drilling to further upgrade the mineral resource
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Geological and Planned Drill Hole Location Map, Santa Barbara Potential Starter Pit Area.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro: or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on Eloro’s Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Provides Update on Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Updated modelling of the potential starter pit area at Santa Barbara zone highlights the importance of completing additional drilling to better define the grade and extent of the mineral resource in this area. Areas with higher-grade resource typically have much better drilling density but holes outside the core potential pit area are too widely spaced to give an accurate estimate of grade. Substantive progress has been made on the preliminary economic evaluation (“PEA”) which is focussing on the Ag-Zn-Pb-Sn mineralization. The preliminary optioneering study has shown that a 12 million tpa mining operation appears the most attractive option based upon XRT “Ore” Sorting and/or Dense Media Separation which effectively doubles the grade feeding the milling and flotation circuit and which is also likely to enhance downstream metal recoveries. Reduced pre-concentrated tonnage results in reduction of all downstream capital and operating costs associated with milling, froth flotation and wet tailings storage facility (“TSF”). The inclusion of this pre-concentration stage in the flowsheet, has allowed Eloro to find optimum pre-concentration scenarios to suit the grades required for downstream processing. Further studies have helped define local costs for the PEA study. The high chargeability anomaly in the southeast that extended the mineralized structural corridor at Iska Iska 600m further to the southeast for an overall strike length of at least 2km is a high priority target with excellent potential to outline a second starter pit area. This anomaly is stronger than the anomaly over the high grade resource in the potential starter pit area of Santa Barbara.
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro: or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on Eloro’s Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources Announces the Launching of the Documentary Film “Viva Tupiza! Viva Bolivia!”

ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce, in collaboration with the Canadian Bolivian Chamber of Commerce, the release of “Viva Tupiza! Viva Bolivia!” a short documentary produced and filmed in Bolivia in the Tupiza area where Eloro’s Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project is located. read more

Eloro Resources Amends Payment Schedule for Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Bolivia

ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, by mutual agreement with Empresa Minera Villegas S.R.L. (“Minera Villegas”), the title holder of the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department, southern Bolivia (“Iska Iska”), the payment schedule in connection with the remaining portion of the aggregate US$10 million payment required for Eloro to earn a 100% interest in Iska Iska has been amended. read more

Expanded IP Surveys Outline an Additional 600m Strike Length to the Major Mineralized Corridor at Eloro Resources’ Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

New chargeability high southeast of the MRE open pit indicates that the major mineralized structural corridor that is up to 800m wide extends a further 600m along strike to the southeast for an overall strike length of at least 2km. This new area has not been drilled. Chargeability highs correlate very well with areas of high-grade mineralization within the MRE. The chargeability anomaly southeast of the pit is very strong, which is a prime target potentially outlining additional higher-grade polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) mineralization. The Chargeability anomaly is open along strike and at depth as exploration work has still not defined the full limits of this remarkable mineralized system.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
Cross Section along Line 56100N of the Chargeability Anomaly with areas with greater than 50 g Ag eq/t superimposed to show the very strong correlation.  The strong anomaly to the southeast is largely outside the open pit defining the MRE and this area has not been drilled.  Figures 2 and 3 show the location of the section line.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) is pleased to announce that an expanded induced polarization/resistivity (IP/Res) survey now covers most of the Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia. East-west lines have been completed every 200m across and southeast of the Santa Barbara mineral resource using a deep-penetrating array of 50m and offset 100m dipoles to obtain a depth of investigation approaching 400m. The new array and lower surface elevations make it possible to image mineralization at elevations below 3600m in an extension beyond the open southeastern side of the pit that defines the initial mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) (see Eloro press release dated October 17, 2023). In this survey, chargeability highs across the volume already drilled for the Santa Barbara MRE coincide with peaks in the grade of the polymetallic Ag-Zn-Pb mineralization expressed as silver equivalent. read more

Bulk Tonnage Metallurgical Tests Return Significantly Higher Silver Head Grade of 91 g Ag/t Compared with the 31 g Ag/t Average Grade from the Original Twinned Holes in the Polymetallic Domain at Iska Iska, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Metallurgical tests from a 6.3 tonne PQ drill core bulk sample representative of the higher grade Polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain returned a significantly higher average silver value of 91 g Ag/t compared to the weighted average grade of the original twinned holes at 31 g Ag/t strongly suggesting that the average silver grade is likely significantly underreported in the original twinned holes due to the much smaller sample size The metallurgical tests confirm the viability of “Ore-Sorting” and Dense Media Separation at Iska Iska Project. Excellent pre-concentration results from the higher grade Polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain are now proven in a bulk sample. The 91.9% recovery of silver and lead with 76.0% recovery of zinc into a high grade (176g/t Ag, 1.88%Pb, 2.86%Zn = 299.15 g Ag eq/t) potential mill feed stream that contains only 46.6% of the Run of Mine Tonnage. The introduction of the pre-concentration stage allows Eloro to have more operational flexibility based upon conducting economic trade off scenarios between reducing downstream capital-operating costs and optimizing overall metal recoveries. XRT Ore Sorting is proposed for the coarser size fractions and Dense Media Separation (“DMS”) for treatment of the finer fractions so as to pull on the strengths of both technologies. The size split between the two technologies is unoptimized and the current results support the ability to potentially “ore sort” slightly coarser rocks than tested which would further increase the overall benefits of pre-concentration. Tin (Sn), although not included in the 132 million tonnes higher-grade starter pit area (MRE), is expected to potentially contribute to the enhanced values in the initial Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) with additional metallurgical testing and infill drilling.
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Cross Section of MRE Block Model showing Locations of Metallurgical PQ Holes and Original Holes Twinned

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the final results of its bulk metallurgical test program on the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources Intersects 57.62g Ag/t, 1.26% Zn, 0.94% Pb and 0.12% Sn (139.94g Ag eq/t) over 136.11m in Definition Drilling at the Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Hole DSB-66 above also returned other well mineralized intersections including: 24.67g Ag/t, 1.08% Zn, 0.83% Pb and 0.08% Sn (94.46g Ag eq/t) over 86.39m, and 7.46g Ag/t, 2.51% Zn, 1.02% Pb and 0.06% Sn (129.90g Ag eq/t) over 74.85m Hole DSB-65 intersected 118.86g Ag/t*, 0.35% Zn, 0.35% Pb and 0.15% Sn (152.29g Ag eq/t*) over 81.28m including a very high-grade sample of: 5,080g Ag/t, 0.12 g Au/t, 0.26% Zn, 1.34% Pb, 1.53% Cu and 1.27% Sn (4,746.46g Ag eq/t) over 1.46m This very high-grade sample highlights the potential for Iska Iska to host extraordinary grades within the overall extensive mineralized system. Hole DSB-63, the eastern most hole in the definition drill program, intersected a significant Sn intersection of 23.37 g Ag/t, 1.77% Zn. 1.22% Pb and 0.51% Sn (205.57g Ag eq/t) over 23.02m. This area is in the Polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain where Sn values have typically been low. This suggests potential to extend the higher-grade Sn zone further east. The definition drill program has expanded both the higher-grade Sn and Ag zones especially to the west where there has been only limited previous drilling. These new data highlight the potential to upgrade and expand the mineral resource particularly by outlining a significant higher-grade Sn resource to include for consideration in the preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”). * Cutting of this very high Ag sample to 1,000g Ag/t, based on a statistical probability plot, yields a still high average for the 81.28m interval of 45.58 g Ag/t with an overall grade of 87.80 g Ag eq/t
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Location Map of Definition Drill Holes, Santa Barbara, Iska Iska.  Holes in this release are highlighted in yellow circles.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the final assay results for the last six (6) diamond drill holes in its eleven (11) hole 5,267.7m definition drill program on the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources Intersects 279.22 g Ag/t, 0.47% Pb and 0.43% Sn (339.82g Ag eq/t) over 62.84m in Definition Drilling at the Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Hole DSB-61 above also returned other well mineralized intersections as follows: 33.83 g Ag/t, 1.53% Zn, 0.93% Pb and 0.14% Sn (130.88g Ag eq/t) over 178.99m including 120.37 g Ag/t, 2.13% Zn, 1.57% Pb and 0.19% Sn (252.19g Ag eq/t) over 18.25m,175.23 g Ag/t, 2.44% Zn, 0.56% Pb and 0.12% Sn (275.45g Ag eq/t) over 9.11m and 17.03 g Ag/t, 4.13% Zn, 1.30% Pb and 0.15% Sn (217.71g Ag eq/t) over 19.48mm Significant results from additional definition drill holes include: 51.19g Ag/t, 0.75% Zn and 0.44% Pb (98.85g Ag eq/t) over 55.93m including 31.65g Ag/t, 3.19% Zn, 1.21% Pb and 0.19% Sn (203.15 g Ag eq/t) over 10.55m and 192.2 g Ag/t (178.76 g Ag eq/t) over 7.46m (DSB-59) 43.68 g Ag/t, 0.42% Zn, and 0.38% Pb (71.70g Ag eq/t) over 74.53m, 132.33 g Ag/t, 0.23% Zn and 0.25% Pb (136.70 g Ag eq/t) over 15.14m and 55.25 g Ag/t, 0.96% Zn, 0.83% Pb and 0.26% Sn (149.47 g Ag eq/t) over 10.58m (DSB-57) 7.84g Ag/t, 1.51% Zn and 0.64% Pb (85.39g Ag eq/t) over 265.89m including 25.65 g Ag/t, 2.24% Zn and 1.77% Pb (160.16g Ag eq/t) over 45.23m and 110.92 g Ag/t (107.98 g Ag eq/t) over 21.25m (DSB-62) These latest drill hole results are most encouraging as they are demonstrating substantive higher-grade intervals, especially for silver, in the potential starter pit mineral resource area that may now be potentially upgraded and expanded.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
Location Map of Definition Drill Holes, Santa Barbara, Iska Iska. Holes in this release are highlighted in yellow circles.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first assay results from five (5) of the drill holes in its eleven (11) hole 5,267.7m definition drill program on the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources Announces Completion of Metallurgical Holes and Updates Progress on Definition Drill Program to Expand Higher Grade Mineral Resource for PEA at Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Three PQ sized metallurgical holes have been completed, two in the higher-grade Polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain Type and one in the higher-grade Tin (Sn-Ag-Pb) Domain Type with core shipped to Wardell Armstrong International (WAI) in Cornwall The Polymetallic Domain Type metallurgical testwork will focus on the predominant sulphide domain, while confirmatory testwork on the less predominant oxide domain is planned potentially using “sulphidizing” float conditions as required. The Tin Domain Type metallurgical testwork will focus on the predominant surface oxide domain only with a view to produce a lead-silver concentrate via the same flowsheet developed for the Polymetallic Domain Type mentioned above. Tin Recovery will not be part of the formal PEA deliverable, but its recovery will be tracked for future reference and use. Core will be crushed and sized into -60mm+25mm, -25mm+9.5mm and -9.5mm+0.85mm by WAI the +9.5mm products will be shipped to TOMRA in Germany for cascade “XRT ore-sorting” tests, whilst the -9.5mm+0.85mm will be tested using heavy liquids to further identify the amenability of the ore to Dense Media Separation (“DMS”) with further PEA metallurgical tests to be completed on the -0.85mm material and pre-concentrated products from the aforementioned test work. Definition drill program in progress will focus on expanding the higher-grade Polymetallic Domain mineral resource, which as previously reported contains an inferred mineral resource of 132 million tonnes at 24.3 g Ag/t, 1.11% Zn and 0.50% Pb at an NSR cutoff of $US25/t for a net NSR value of US$34.40 based on a cutoff grade of US$9.20/t. This higher-grade resource is included within the much larger inferred mineral resource in the Polymetallic Domain Type (Ag-Zn-Pb) of 541 million tonnes grading 13.6 g Ag/t, 0.69% Zn and0.28% Pb with an NSR value of US$20.32/t at an NSR cut-off of US$9.20/t. It is envisaged that this resource will be bulk mined in an open pit to minimise mining operating costs, with the run-of-mine feed then pre-concentrated to remove waste dilution. The Tin Polymetallic Domain Type (Sn-Pb-Ag) which has an inferred mineral resource of 110 million tonnes grading 0.12% Sn, 0.14% Pb and 14.2 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$12.22/t at an NSR cut-off of US$6.00/t is very under drilled and is a major exploration target going forward.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
Location Map of Metallurgical Drill Holes

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed a metallurgical drill program and commenced a definition drill program on the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources Announces Annual Meeting Voting Results

V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that in connection with the annual meeting of the Company`s shareholders (the “Meeting”), that was held virtually on October 30, 2023, and in accordance with TSX reporting requirementsthe following voting results were obtained. read more