Has Peter Tallman Found the Source of the 1890’s Klondike Gold Rush?

by David Erfle Friday July 28, 2017
by David Erfle Friday July 28, 2017
Junior silver miner Great Panther Silver (TSX: GPR; NYSE: GPL) has acquired Belgian smelting giant Nyrstar’s idled Coricancha gold-silver-lead-zinc-copper mine and mill complex, 90 km east of Lima, Peru.
TORONTO, ON–(Marketwired – July 31, 2017) – Victoria Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE: VIT) “Victoria” or the “Company” is pleased to announce that the Company and BNP Paribas (“BNPP”) have executed a commitment letter (the “Commitment Letter”) for the debt financing transaction previously outlined in the Company’s press release dated January 24, 2017.
VANCOUVER, July 31, 2017 /CNW/ – NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company“) (TSX:NXE, NYSE: NXE) is pleased to announce the positive results of its independent maiden Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA“) of the basement-hosted Arrow Deposit, located on the Company’s 100% owned Rook I project in Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin.
TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – July 31, 2017) – Dundee Precious Metals Inc. (TSX:DPM) (“DPM” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement (the “Agreement”) with MineRP Holdings Proprietary Limited (“MineRP”), a provider of integrated mining technical solutions, whereby DPM will combine its proprietary wireless underground communications technology, managed within DPM’s Terrative Digital Solutions division (“Terrative”), with MineRP, and acquire a majority interest in MineRP. The combination will create a leading technology provider well positioned to further capture the rapidly growing demand in the mining industry for digital innovation.
The gold miner consolidation, which began in early August of 2016, is giving us strong signals of being close to ending soon. Miner ETF traders have been treated to multiple whipsaw moves since the beginning of June, making it nearly impossible to successfully trade the sector. Some of this frustration can be attributed to US equity fund managers who have been book squaring into quarter end this week before heading to the Hamptons for the Independence Day weekend (US markets will be closed next Tuesday, July 4th). read more David Erfle
GFG Resources Inc. (GFG:TSX.V; GFGSF:OTCQB) announced at the end of June an aggressive 2017 exploration program at the company’s 100% owned Rattlesnake Hills gold project in central Wyoming. The program is scheduled to run from July through November. According to the company, “the fully funded, U.S.$4.0 million exploration program will consist of approximately 50 holes or 15,000 metres of drilling focused on four brownfield targets and six greenfield targets, additional soil and rock sampling and metallurgical testwork.” Read more at The Gold Report
Over the past couple of days copper has broken strongly higher, and while copper itself may be of little interest to most of us, the implications of this development are profound for the base and Precious Metals sectors. Copper is an important lead indicator, which is why it earned the moniker “Dr Copper,” and since it now looks like it is starting a major bull market, this is a sign that a major bull market is about to begin across the entire metals sector, which as you know is what we are looking for in gold and silver. Silver in particular is gruesomely undervalued and has huge upside potential from here. read more at The Gold Report
Teranga Gold Corp. (TSX: T.TGZ, TGCDF, Forum) on Friday reported its financial and operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2017.
When you embark on a tour of the upcoming mines of the Yukon the first thing which hits you is the sheer size of the place. Miles and miles of untouched, trackless, wilderness separates many of the properties from any sort of population centre. To cover eight properties and a full-scale mining conference in six days means a lot of fixed wing flying, helicopter jumps and bumpy drives down gravel (if you’re lucky) roads.