White Gold Overviews

Greg Nolan stands back and looks at the whole White Gold (V.WGO) story.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce an online Webinar hosted by management on Thursday, May 28th, 2020. David D’Onofrio – CEO, Shawn Ryan – Chief Technical Advisor and Terry Brace – VP of Exploration, will present additional details on the Company’s fully funded 2020 exploration program on its extensive 422,000+ hectare land package, representing over 40% of the prolific White Gold District in Yukon, Canada. The 2020 exploration program, budgeted at approximately $4.0 Million, has been designed to further test high priority targets and recent high-grade discoveries on the Company’s White Gold, Hen and JP Ross properties, as well as to identify and advance other targets throughout its regional land package. Backed by partners Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (TSX: AEM, NYSE: AEM) and Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC), the 2020 exploration program is scheduled to commence in the coming weeks.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce its fully funded 2020 exploration program on its extensive 422,000+ hectare land package, representing over 40% of the emerging White Gold District in Yukon, Canada. The 2020 exploration program which is budgeted at approximately $4.0 Million has been designed to further test existing targets and recent high grade discoveries on the Company’s White Gold, Hen, and JP Ross properties, as well as to identify and advance other targets on its extensive regional land package. Backed by partners Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (TSX: AEM, NYSE: AEM) and Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC), the 2020 exploration program is scheduled to commence in the coming weeks.
Four interviews with Shawn Ryan, White Gold’s (V.WGO) Technical Advisor on what is emerging as a district scale gold play in the Yukon. Well worth watching them all as Shawn is able to describe the size and scope of the area as well as explaining the “Drone to Drill” exploration methods White Gold is bringing to its huge property.
It is actually difficult to get a sense of the scale of White Gold’s (V.WGO) holdings in the Yukon. However, this two minute video gives an overview:
A deep analysis on a strong company is always invaluable information for any junior mining investor, whether independent or professional, and the initial investment report by Eight Capital on White Gold Corp is no exception.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce it will be exhibiting with Shawn Ryan (Chief Technical Advisor) to provide feature presentations at the upcoming Vancouver Resource Investment Conference and AME Roundup conferences being held January 19 to 23, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drill results on multiple newly identified drill targets located on the road accessible JP Ross property, in the prolific White Gold District, Yukon, Canada. Generated through the Company’s methodical data driven exploration strategy, the Company’s first ever drilling on these targets was performed as follow up to the previously announced results from 2019 exploration including detailed soil sampling, GT Probe, trenching, geophysical and other prospecting activities. High-grade gold was intercepted of 5 newly identified drill targets located within close proximity to the Company’s Vertigo and Titan discoveries. These targets have unique geochemical signatures and distinct geologic anomalies and include the Stage Fright, North Frenzy, Sabotage, Vertigo and several others. White Gold Corp’s fully-funded $13 million 2019 exploration program backed by partners Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (TSX: AEM, NYSE: AEM) and Kinross Gold Corp (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC) included diamond drilling on the Vertigo target (JP Ross property), Golden Saddle & Arc deposits (White Gold property) as well as soil sampling, prospecting, GT Probe, trenching and RAB/RC drilling on various other properties across the Company’s expansive land package located in the prolific White Gold District, Yukon, Canada.
On December 19, 2019 White Gold (V.WGO) released drill results from its Vertigo Discovery on the JP Ross property in Yukon. We asked the company to give us a bit of background on the results and what its plans are for the Vertigo Discovery going forward.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce diamond drill results on the Vertigo target, located 25km north west of the Company’s flagship Golden Saddle & Arc deposit, on the road accessible JP Ross property, in the prolific White Gold District, Yukon, Canada. The Vertigo is one of the Company’s recent high-grade, near surface, gold discoveries generated through its methodological data driven exploration strategy. Drilling to date has encountered significant high-grade gold structures within a broad mineralized zone which remains open in all directions. The Vertigo is comprised of a 1.5km mineralized trend forming part of a 250km2 mineralized system with numerous newly identified targets. White Gold Corp’s fully-funded $13 million 2019 exploration program backed by partners Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (TSX: AEM, NYSE: AEM) and Kinross Gold Corp (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC) includes diamond drilling on the Vertigo target (JP Ross property), Golden Saddle & Arc deposits (White Gold property) as well as soil sampling, prospecting, GT Probe, trenching and RAB/RC drilling on various other properties across the Company’s expansive land package located in the prolific White Gold District, Yukon, Canada.