Eloro Resources Files NI 43-101 Technical Report for Initial Mineral Resource Estimate for Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Due to the multi-metal nature of the deposit, the resources are reported using Net Smelter Return (NSR) cut-off values which are as follows: Polymetallic Domain (Zn-Pb-Ag) = US$9.20/t for open pit (OP) mining and US$34.00/t for underground (UG) mining; Tin Domain (Sn-Ag-Pb) = US$6.00/t for OP mining. Costs have been significantly reduced due to the major impact of the positive “ore-sorting” tests. Potentially open pittable inferred mineral resource in Polymetallic Domain (Zn-Pb-Ag) of 541 million tonnes grading 0.69% Zn, 0.28% Pb and 13.6 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$20.32/t at an NSR cut-off of US$9.20/t which is equal to the estimated operating cost. Polymetallic Domain includes a core inferred mineral resource at an NSR cutoff of US$15/t of 342 million tonnes grading 0.85% Zn, 0.35% Pb and 17 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$25.22/t which is 2.74 times estimated operating cost of US $9.20/t This core mineral resource includes a higher grade near surface inferred mineral resource at an NSR cut-off of US25/t of 132 million tonnes grading 1.11% Zn, 0.50% Pb and 24.3 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$34.50/t which is 3.75 times estimated operating cost of US $9.20/t Potentially open pittable inferred mineral resource in the Tin Domain (Sn-Pb-Ag) of 110 million tonnes grading 0.12% Sn, 0.14% Pb and 14.2 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$12.22/t at an NSR cut-off of US$6.00/t Potential underground inferred mineral resource in the Polymetallic Domain of 19 million tonnes grading 1.88% Zn, 0.36% Pb and 18.8 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$42.23 at an NSR cut-off of US$34.40/t. The open pit and underground NSR cut-off grades defining the overall mineral resource consider estimated mining costs, G&A expenses, processing costs, metallurgical recoveries, smelter deductions, treatment charges, penalties, and transportation costs for all metals of potential economic interest and, accordingly, are equal to estimated total operating costs. Potential open pit defining the bulk of the mineral resource is 1.4km in diameter, extends to a maximum depth of 750m below the Santa Barbara hill and has a stripping ratio of 1:1. Total in situ metal is estimated to be 298 million ounces Ag (silver), 4.09 million tonnes Zn (zinc), 1.74 million tonnes Pb (lead) and 130,000 tonnes Sn (tin). Resource estimate is based on 139 diamond drill holes totalling 96,386m. All holes intersected significant reportable mineralization and the deposit is open in all directions.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
3D Perspective of the Iska Iska Pit Constrained Resource Showing Distribution of Resources in Major Domains as of August 19, 2023.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the filing of the National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) Technical Report in support of the initial mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. The MRE, as set out in Table 1 below, has been prepared by independent qualified persons (“QPs”) with Micon International Limited as defined under NI-43-101. read more

Eloro Resources Announces Commencement of Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce commencement of a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. The PEA study will consider the inferred mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) of 560 million tonnes grading 13.8 g Ag/t, 0.73% Zn and 0.28% Pb in the Polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain and 110 million tonnes grading 0.12% Sn, 14.2 g Ag/t and 0.14% Pb in the Tin Domain (Sn-Ag-Pb). While the Polymetallic Domain and the Tin Domain do not overlap or share any resource blocks, for the purposes of the PEA the mineral resources within both domains will be combined. read more

Cartier Silver Intersects 49.19 g Ag/t, 1.35% Zn and 1.31% Pb over 44.76m in Discovery Hole on the Gonalbert Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

This zone includes a higher-grade interval of 137.42 g Ag/t, 7.91% Zn and 5.6% Pb over 5.60m Other significant intersections in the Discovery Hole include: 57.74 g Ag/t and 1.75% Pb over 18.25m including 79.90 g Ag/t and 2.53% Pb over 6.63m 109.54 g Ag/t, 3.68% Zn and 4.44% Pb over 11.09m including 170.01 g Ag/t, 2.51% Zn and 7.00% Pb over 5.81m Channel sampling of the underground artisanal workings at Gonalbert returned the highest-grade values from the lower levels including 245.5 g Ag/t over 1.5m, 492.0 g Ag/t over 0.7m and 123.9 g Ag/t over 1.5m Surface rock geochemical sampling has defined an extensive area of anomalous Ag and Pb extending for a strike length of approximately 2km that correlates well with the IP chargeability trends.
Geology Plan Map of Gonalbert Property Showing Locations of Diamond Drill Holes and Artisanal Mine Workings

Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE: CFE) (“Cartier Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to report the first results from diamond drilling to test geological and geophysical targets for epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization on the Gonalbert Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia. The initial program as previously reported (see Cartier Silver press release of June 29, 2023) consists of 5 drill holes totaling 3,300m collared in the general vicinity of the artisanal silver mine. To date 729.5m of drilling have been completed in two holes with a third hole in progress (Figure 1). Results have been received for drill hole DGL-01 as outlined in Table 1. Collar locations and orientations of these holes are listed in Table 2 below. read more

Eloro Resources Announces Robust Initial Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 670 million tonnes containing 1.15 Billion In-situ Ounces Silver Equivalent for Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Total in situ metal estimated to be 298 million ounces Ag, 4.09 million tonnes Zn, 1.74 million tonnes Pb and 130,000 tonnes Sn totalling 1.15 billion ounces silver equivalent. Due to the multi-metal nature of the deposit, the resources are reported using Net Smelter Return (NSR) cut-off values which are as follows: Polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Ag) domain = US$9.20/t for open pit (OP) and US$34.00/t for underground (UG) mining; Tin (Sn-Ag-Pb) domain = US$6.00/t for OP mining. Costs have been significantly reduced due to the major impact of the positive “ore-sorting” tests. Potentially open pittable inferred mineral resource in Polymetallic Domain (Zn-Pb-Ag) of 541 million tonnes at 0.69% Zn, 0.28% Pb and 13.6 g Ag/t for an NSR value of US$20.32/t at a cutoff of US$9.20/t. Includes higher grade near surface inferred mineral resource of 132 million tonnes at 1.11% Zn, 0.50% Pb and 24.3 g Ag/t for an NSR value of US$34.50 at an NSR cutoff of US$25/t. Potentially open pittable inferred mineral resource in the Tin Domain of 110 million tonnes at 0.12% Sn, 0.14% Pb and 14.2 g Ag/t for an NSR value of US$12.22/t at an NSR cutoff of US$6.00 per tonne. Potential underground inferred mineral resource in the Polymetallic Domain of 19 million tonnes at 1.88% Zn, 0.36% Pb and 18.8 g Ag/t with an NSR value of US$42.23 at a cutoff grade of US$34.40. Total inferred mineral resource, 97% of which is potentially open pittable, is 670 million tonnes at an NSR of $19.62. Potential open pit is 1.4km in diameter, extends to a maximum depth of 750m below the Santa Barbara hill and has a stripping ratio of 1:1. Resource estimate is based on 139 diamond drill holes totalling 96,386m. All holes intersected significant reportable mineralization and the deposit is open in all directions.
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
3D Perspective of the Iska Iska Pit Constrained Resource Showing Distribution of Resource in Major Domains as of August 19, 2023.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX;ELO OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the inaugural mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. The MRE, as set out in Table 1 below, has been prepared by independent qualified persons (“QPs”) with Micon International Limited as defined under National Instrument 43-101 (“NI-43-101”). A Technical Report outlining the mineral resource estimation will be filed on Sedar within 45 days of the date of this release. read more

Eloro Resources intersects Significant Tin Mineralization (0.17% Sn over 52.75m) in Mina Casiterita Property and also Receives Strong Results from Infill Holes at Santa Barbara Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Tin mineralization at Casiterita is located 2km southwest of the Santa Barbara deposit indicating that the overall Iska Iska mineralizing system is much more extensive, as predicted from geophysical data. Further drilling is required to fully evaluate this prospective target area. Holes DHK-31, DSB-53 and DSB-54, drilled to fill-in gaps in drill coverage in the eastern part of the Santa Barbara deposit, returned well mineralized intersections as follows: 125.99g Ag eq/t (12.99g Ag/t, 1.76% Zn and 0.45% Pb) over 125.79m including 257.66 g Ag eq/t (44.82g Ag/t, 3.34% Zn and 1.17% Pb) over 8.94m (DHK-31) 177.41g Ag eq/t (28.89g Ag/t, 1.02% Zn, 0.43% Pb and 0.19% Sn) over 60.14m including 1,228 g Ag eq/t (305.21g Ag/t, 0.21 g Au/t, 2.81% Zn, 2.74% Pb and 1.64% Sn) over 4.49m (DHK-31) 128.23g Ag eq/t (7.86g Ag/t, 2.06% Zn and 0.37% Pb) over 85.52m including 165.82 g Ag eq/t (7.99g Ag/t, 2.69% Zn and 0.44% Pb) over 29.95m (DSB-54) 185.07g Ag eq/t (12.38g Ag/t, 0.11 g Au/t, 2.95% Zn and 0.38% Pb) over 24.04m including 483.12 g Ag eq/t (31.24g Ag/t, 0.24 g Au/t, 7.94% Zn and 0.89% Pb) over 7.62m (DSB-54) 83.98g Ag eq/t (5.88g Ag/t, 1.27% Zn and 0.21% Pb) over 34.56 and 67.14 g Ag eq/t (10.25g Ag/t, 0.79% Zn and 0.32% Pb) over 34.33m (DSB-53) Holes DSB-55 and DSB-56 drilled in the southern extension of the Santa Barbara deposit 100m and 200m, respectively, south of previous drilling intersected: 145.69g Ag eq/t (6.37g Ag/t, 0.17 g Au/t, 1.94% Zn and 0.29% Pb) over 70.79m including 341.78g Ag eq/t (12.75g Ag/t, 0.66 g Au/t, 4.31% Zn and 0.54% Pb) over 10.55m (DSB-55), 159.55g Ag eq/t (13.97g Ag/t, 0.36g Au/t, 1.16% Zn, 0.20% Pb and 0.29% Cu) over 54.10m including 329.05g Ag eq/t (36.32g Ag/t, 0.85g Au/t, 1.89% Zn, 0.36% Pb and 0.68% Cu) over 12.01m (DSB-56), and 241.06g Ag eq/t (12.77g Ag/t, 0.33 g Au/t, 2.70% Zn, 0.34% Pb and 0.44% Cu) over 22.59m including 411.52g Ag eq/t (22.71g Ag/t, 0.43g Au/t, 4.70% Zn. 0.58% Pb and 0.82% Cu) over 10.54m (DSB-56) These holes extend the strike length of the Santa Barbara deposit to over 1,400m, still open in all directions.
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Geological Map of the Mina Casiterita and Porco-Mina 2 Target Areas Showing Locations of Diamond Drill Holes.  Holes reported in this release are highlight in red circles

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce assay results from reconnaissance drilling on the Mina Casiterita Property (8 holes totalling 5,726.8m), additional definition drilling on the eastern margin and southern extension of the Santa Barbara deposit (5 holes totalling 4,223.7m) and reconnaissance drilling in the Porco-Mina 2 area (3 holes totalling 2,544.9m). In total 16 holes totaling 12,495.4m have been completed as shown in Figure 1 (Casiterita/Porco-Mina 2) and Figure 2 (Santa Barbara). Table 1 provides the coordinates of the drill holes for which results are reported in this press release and Table 2 lists information for holes for which assay results are still pending. Significant results are listed in Tables 3 (Casiterita), 4 and 5 (Santa Barbara) and 6 (Porco-Mina 2). read more

Eloro Resources Closes C$6.9 Million Bought Deal Financing

V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen

 Eloro Resources Ltd. (the “Company” or “Eloro”) (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced bought deal financing, including the exercise in full of the over-allotment option by the Underwriters, of 2,191,280 units of the Company (the “Units”) at a price of C$3.15 per Unit for gross proceeds to the Company of C$6,902,532 (the “Offering”). The Offering was underwritten on a bought deal basis by Haywood Securities Inc. and Cantor Fitzgerald Canada Corporation (collectively, the “Underwriters”), pursuant to an underwriting agreement dated July 31, 2023 between the Company and the Underwriters. Each Unit consists of one common share (each a “Common Share”) in the capital of the Company and one-half (1/2) of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a “Warrant”) of the Company. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at a price per Warrant Share of $4.25 for a period of 24 months following the closing date of the Offering. read more

Eloro Resources Reports Major Advances in Metallurgy for the Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Preliminary tests at TOMRA in Germany indicate the mineralization at Iska Iska is amenable to “ore-sorting” with removal of at least 40% of the waste in the Polymetallic Domain and up to 80% in the Tin Domain which would substantially increase concentrator feed grades as well as reduce future operating costs and significantly lower the cut off grades (COG) for the pending mineral resource estimate (MRE). Positive “ore-sorting” results were obtained from composite samples of both the tin (Sn) and polymetallic (Ag-Zn-Pb) mineralization domains in the Santa Barbara deposit indicating its wide applicability throughout the entire deposit. Further metallurgical studies conducted by Wardell Armstrong International on a composite sample of the tin mineralization has improved tin concentrator recovery to 50%. This recovery is un-optimised and has been achieved using a mixture of Multi Gravity and tin flotation techniques which are specifically designed to recover the finer grained cassiterite. The concentrator could produce an approximately 5%Sn concentrate grade amenable to the tin fuming process that ultimately could produce a 60-70%Sn concentrate for smelting. The level of metallurgical and pyrometallurgical work that has been conducted is exceptionally high for an inaugural MRE but is justifiable due to the significance of this large potentially open pittable tin and polymetallic resource. The additional metallurgical/mineralogical knowledge will enable Eloro to rapidly move towards a preliminary economic assessment (PEA).
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Plan Map Showing Major Tin and Polymetallic Domains in the Santa Barbara Deposit, Iska Iska

Eloro Resources Ltd. (;TSX: ELO OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce major advances on metallurgy for the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southern Bolivia. These tests were directed by Mike Hallewell, C.Eng., Eloro’s Senior Strategic Metallurgist and a qualified person (QP) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). in consultation with Micon International Limited Principal Metallurgist, Richard Gowans, P.Eng., an independent QP. read more

Cartier Silver Announces Commencement of Diamond Drilling on the Gonalbert Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Initial 5-hole diamond drill program totalling 3,300m will test geophysical and geological targets for epithermal polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization in the general vicinity of the artisanal silver mine. Additional IP/Res surveys in the NW part of the property have added more than a kilometre of additional strike length to the potential mineralized zone.
Geology Plan Map of Gonalbert Property Showing Locations of Planned Drill Holes

Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE: CFE) (“Cartier Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that diamond drilling has commenced to test geophysical and geological targets for epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization on the Gonalbert Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia. The initial program will consist of 5 drill holes totalling 3,300m collared in the general vicinity of the artisanal silver mine. The locations of these holes are shown in Figure 1, a geological plan map. Collar locations and orientations of these holes are listed in Table 1 below. Sections 1 and 2 in Figure 2 show the geophysical anomalies being targeted in the vicinity of the major structures which have been the focus of artisanal mining, both historically and recently. read more

Cartier Silver Outlines an 800m by 500m Epithermal Silver Polymetallic Target on Gonalbert Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Gonalbert is underlain by a dacitic intrusive dome approximately 1,300m by 600m which hosts epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization along structures that are exposed in a number of historical and recent artisanal workings and trenches. An IP chargeability anomaly surrounding the structures covers an area of 800m by 500m and extends to a depth of at least 400m, the depth limit of the survey. The chargeability anomaly becomes stronger, especially at depths greater than 100m, below a depleted, near-surface zone where sulphide mineralization has been extensively oxidized. Drilling to test this anomaly will commence shortly.
: Location Map of Gonalbert and Felicidad Properties, Las Chorillos Project, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE:CFE) (“Cartier Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that geophysical and geological work by the Company has outlined an epithermal silver polymetallic target over an area of 800m by 500m on the Gonalbert Property, which forms part of the Los Chorrillos (Gonalbert-Felicidad) Silver Project (“Los Chorrillos” or the “Project”), in the Potosí Department, southern Bolivia, held by Minera Cartier Bolivia S.R.L., Cartier Silver’s Bolivian subsidiary (Figure 1). This program follows recommendations contained in the “Property of Merit” technical report dated May 5, 2023, authored by Micon International Limited (“Micon”), which is filed on SEDAR and available on the Company’s website, www.cartiersilvercorp.com (see Cartier Silver’s press release dated May 9, 2023). read more

Cartier Silver Files NI 43-101 Technical Report by Micon for the Los Chorrillos (Gonalbert-Felizidad) Silver Project, Tupiza, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE:CFE) (“Cartier Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company has filed on SEDAR an independent technical report (“Technical Report”) by Micon International Limited (“Micon”), prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101“). This Technical Report, authored by Mr. Charley Murahwi, P.Geo., Pr. Sci. Nat., FAusIMM, of Micon, supports Cartier Silver’s planned exploration program at the Los Chorrillos (Gonalbert-Felizidad) Silver Project (“Los Chorrillos” or the “Project”), in the Potosí Department, southern Bolivia by Minera Cartier Bolivia S.R.L., Cartier Silver’s Bolivian subsidiary. The Technical Report will also be posted on the Company’s website, www.cartiersilvercorp.com. read more