Carbon Engineering: Scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere

Canada gold, junior mining companies

Whether you think CO2 driven climate change is a “climate emergency” or a complete crock, the fact is that there is a lot of money looking for practical solutions to the problem of CO2. A lot of that money has gone into things like solar and wind power which, proponents say, will reduce emissions over time by generating electricity without burning fossil fuels. But what about the CO2 which has already been emitted? While climate scientists have been steadily revising temperature sensitivity estimates downward, there is a terrific political momentum behind the idea that CO2 and temperature are linked and that, despite a lack of scientific evidence, that link causes everything from sea level rise to rain “events”. read more

Gensource Potash: Production Module #2

Canada gold, junior mining companies

When last we spoke to Mike Ferguson, CEO of Gensource Potash (V.GSP) back in August 2017, the company had just released a full feasibility on its modular approach to potash extraction and sale. The company was taking a radically different approach to potash mining and building modules which will produce a relatively tiny 250,000 tonnes per year. The great advantage of this approach, other than a significantly lower CAPEX, is that the entire production of a module may be bought by a single end user. read more

Keeping Up with FSD Pharma

Canada gold, junior mining companies

As well as yesterday’s announcement of a collaboration with Solarvest BioEnergy Inc to research using its algal expression technology to develop pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoids, FSD Pharma (CSE.HUGE) is also involved with Aura Health Inc. (CSE:BUZZ). This collaboration will give FSD Pharma a window into the medical marijuana market in Germany and, eventually, the EU generally. read more