C.HUGE All-Time Daily Volume Record Broken and Thanks to All Shareholders

Australian asset managers, Harness Asset Management, have released a detailed and very balanced outlook for uranium. Key take away:
While you will hear some miners and energy guys complain about First Nations issues the fact is that First Nations people simply want a fair share of the economic activity on their lands. Plus, in Northern BC or the Yukon, First Nations are a readily available source of the workforce mining and energy companies need.
Over at the Visual Capitalist, Jeff Desjardins has a fact filled infographic up on copper. More specifically, the fact that copper demand is going to soar in the face of the need to build grid capacity, power electric cars and generally move towards an all electric future.
Canadian Orebodies (V.CORE) announced today that it would be commencing “a High Resolution Tri-Axial Magnetic Airborne Survey being flown over the northern portion of the Company’s Black Raven Project”.
The British Columbia Securities Commission required Bayhorse Silver (V.BHS) to clarify “its technical disclosure”. The company did so and in a May 10 Press Release stated,
The RB Milestone Group has put out an excellent – and exhaustive – report on Argentina Lithium (V.LIT). Not only does it discuss the company in depth, it also provides an broad overview of the lithium business and doing business in Argentina. Well worth reading:
Blue Sky Uranium (V.BSK) is featured in Resource Global Network Magazine.
Update from Investor Intel on Argentina Lithium,