Cartier Silver Amends the Acquisition Agreement Payment Schedule for its Chorrillos Project, Southern Bolivia

Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE:CFE) (“Cartier Silver”) is pleased to announce that, by mutual agreement (“Amending Agreement”) with Empresa Minera Gonalbert S.R.L. and Empresa Minera Segovia S.R.L (collectively, the “Vendors”), the registered title holders of two separate properties comprising the Chorrillos Project in southern Bolivia, the payment schedule in connection with the remaining portion of the aggregate US$4.5 million payment required for Cartier Silver to acquire 100% of the Vendors’ capital quotas has been amended. The signing date of the original acquisition agreement was December 12, 2022. Cartier Silver’s Bolivian subsidiary, Minera Cartier Bolivia S.R.L. (“Cartier Bolivia”) has made two staged payments and currently owns 30% of the Vendors’ capital quotas.