Cambridge Conference 2019 – #1

In an era of internet communication and instant information why would you go to a conference? This is the challenge Cambridge House has to meet every year for its Vancouver Resources Conference.
In an era of internet communication and instant information why would you go to a conference? This is the challenge Cambridge House has to meet every year for its Vancouver Resources Conference.
White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTC – Nasdaq Intl: WHGOF, FRA: 29W) (the “Company) is pleased to announce additional Rotary-Air-Blast (“RAB”) and Reverse Circulation (“RC”) drill results from the Vertigo target on the JP Ross property, Yukon, Canada. Assays for 3 additional RAB holes and 11 additional RC holes have been received, returning additional high-grade mineralization in multiple zones. The RC drilling further validated the previously announced RAB drill results and identified new zones of high-grade gold mineralization along strike and at depth, which remain open in all directions. Drilling and other geological testing has also been conducted along the 14km structural trend that hosts the Vertigo and other similar targets.
Our friends at Western Copper and Gold have a mountain top of copper and gold in the Yukon. Billions of pounds of copper, millions of ounces of gold. It is a 2 billion CAPEX project which makes sense when copper is selling above $3.50.