Eloro Resources Further Expands Major Silver Zone Intersecting 151.47 g Ag/t over 135m within a broader interval of 309m grading 90.92 g Ag/t in the Latest Definition Drilling at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

The high grade intersection above from hole DSB-75 includes 962.23 g Ag/t over 9.75m within a wider zone of 34.50m grading 440.09 g Ag/t which is the highest grade Ag intersection obtained thus far in drilling at Iska Iska. Hole DSB-75 was collared 200m northwest of previously reported hole DSB-68 which intersected 122.03m grading 126.10g Ag/t within a wider 289.13m section grading 66.90 g Ag/t indicating this high grade silver mineralization is likely quite extensive. As definition drilling has expanded to cover more areas within the Santa Barbara area, the frequency of high grade silver values greater than 50 g Ag/t that have been encountered has increased significantly confirming the importance of tighter spaced infill drilling to obtain a more accurate estimate of grade. Infill drilling is consistently demonstrating that areas of formerly barren or low grade mineralization actually bear grades that are higher and widths that are significantly longer than those in the current mineral resource model.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
3D Drawing showing distribution of high grade Ag in the Santa Barbara potential starter pit area. The plan at 3900m level shows the Epithermal (Ag-Zn-Pb) Domain marked by High Chargeability and the Tertiary Intrusion Breccia Domain (TIB Sn-Ag) marked by Low Chargeability.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce further assay results from its definition diamond drilling program in the potential Santa Barbara starter pit area in the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. To date 5,799.4m of diamond drilling have been completed in eleven (11) holes in this phase of definition drilling. PQ core size has been used in the majority of holes in this program to obtain larger, more representative core samples. read more

Eloro Resources Further Expands Major Tin Zone with Significant Tin Intersections Highlighted by 49.5m grading 0.55% Sn within 91.5m grading 0.34% Sn in its Definition Drilling Program at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

This hole DSB-74, located 100m southeast of discovery hole DSB-72, contains a second long deeper intersection of 103.5m grading 0.31% Sn including 28.5m grading 0.44% Sn. High grade tin mineralization in Holes DSB-74 and discovery hole DSB-72 occurs as visible coarse-grained high temperature cassiterite which is likely to be amenable to gravity separation. Tin mineralization is hosted in an extensive intrusion breccia unit (TIB) that is approximately 750m long by 450m wide and extends to a depth of at least 700m. Previous wide space reconnaissance drilling has intersected a number of significant Sn intersections in this breccia unit which is very under-drilled. The intrusive breccia is very likely an offshoot or apophysis from a large tin porphyry at depth. The likely top of this tin porphyry is marked by a highly conductive zone that is interpreted as a pyrite-pyrrhotite halo around this porphyry. Similar pyritic halos have been reported from other major tin deposits in the Bolivian Tin Belt. With this discovery and expansion of a presumed shallow level apophysis of a tin porphyry at depth, Eloro is in a unique position of having two discernable different deposit styles juxtaposed against one another; a very large silver-zinc-lead dominant system next to a high-grade tin system. While these two systems are likely genetically related, this means that the Company may potentially have two world class deposits on the same property.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
Location Map of Definition Diamond Drill Holes, Santa Barbara zone, Iska Iska. The yellow circle highlights the location of the holes in this release.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce further assay results from its definition diamond drilling program in the potential Santa Barbara starter pit area in the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. To date 5,799.4m of diamond drilling have been completed in eleven (11) holes. PQ core size has been used in the majority of holes in this program to obtain larger, more representative core samples. read more

Eloro Resources Opens Up Major Tin Zone Intersecting 33m grading 1.39% Sn within 87m grading 0.74% Sn in its Definition Drilling Program at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Tin mineralization is hosted in an extensive intrusion breccia unit (TIB) that is approximately 750m long by 450m wide and extends to a depth of at least 700m. Previous wide space reconnaissance drilling has intersected a number of significant Sn intersections in this breccia unit which is very under-drilled High grade tin mineralization in Hole DSB-72 reported here occurs as visible coarse-grained high temperature cassiterite which is likely to be amenable to gravity separation. Core from this hole will be used for additional metallurgical testing. Geophysically, the intrusion breccia has low chargeability which contrasts considerably with the adjacent later epithermal Ag-Zn-Pb mineralization which is marked by a strong chargeability anomaly. The intrusive breccia is very likely an offshoot or apophysis from a large tin porphyry at depth. The likely top of this tin porphyry is marked by a highly conductive zone that is interpreted as a pyrite-pyrrhotite halo around this porphyry. Similar pyritic halos have been reported from other major tin deposits in the Bolivian Tin Belt. With this discovery of a presumed shallow level apophysis of a tin porphyry at depth, Eloro is in a unique position of having two discernable different deposit styles juxtaposed against one another; a very large silver-zinc-lead dominant system next to a high-grade tin system. While these two systems are likely genetically related, this means that the Company may potentially have two world class deposits on the same property.
V.ELO, Eloro Resources, Peru, gold, Tom Larsen
Location Map of Definition Diamond Drill Holes, Santa Barbara, Iska Iska. The yellow circle highlights the location of the hole in this release.

 Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce further assay results from its definition diamond drilling program in the potential Santa Barbara starter pit area in the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. To date 5145.8m of diamond drilling have been completed in ten (10) holes. PQ core size has been used for all holes in this program to obtain larger, more representative core samples. read more

Eloro Resources Intersects 66.90g Ag/t, 0.63% Zn, 0.42% Pb and 0.11% Sn (111.14g Ag eq/t) over 289.13m in First Hole of Definition Drilling at the Iska Iska Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Intersection in hole DSB-68 above also includes higher grade intervals of: 126.10g Ag/t, 0.55% Zn, 0.60% Pb and 0.09% Sn (160.72g Ag eq/t) over 122.03m, 47.61g Ag/t, 0.22% Zn, 0.40% Pb and 0.45% Sn (146.06g Ag eq/t) over 16.51m, and 25.52g Ag/t, 2.19% Zn, 0.65% Pb and 0.10% Sn (129.60g Ag eq/t) over 7.46m The high grade mineralization is associated with a prominent intrusion breccia body that is widening at depth over a vertical interval of over 500m and likely extends much further to the south. This breccia body is likely a major feeder for mineralization. Geophysical data indicates that there is a prominent northwest trending structural corridor 500m wide that extends from the Santa Barbara area southeastwards for at least 2km. Within the Santa Barbara High Grade Corridor, a strong spatial correlation is evident between the high-grade intersections in the intrusion breccia and areas of higher chargeability. This hole is the first of a strategic infill program in the potential starter pit area at Santa Barbara to better define the vertical and lateral extent of high-grade Ag mineralization; fill-in gaps that are presently categorized as low-grade or waste in the mineral resource model but are very likely mineralized; expand the higher-grade Sn mineralization to the west; and complete two large size PQ holes for further metallurgical testing (see Eloro press release of September 4, 2024).
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Location Map of Definition Diamond Drill Holes, Santa Barbara, Iska Iska.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the initial assay results in its definition diamond drilling program in the potential Santa Barbara starter pit area in the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia. To date 2,561.9m of diamond drilling have been completed in six (6) holes including two (2) holes in progress. PQ core size has been used for all holes in this program to obtain larger, more representative core samples. read more

Eloro Announces Restart of Definition Diamond Drilling on the Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Southwestern Bolivia

Updated modelling of the potential starter pit area at Santa Barbara indicates that areas with higher-grade mineralization typically have much better drilling density, whereas holes outside the core area are too widely spaced to give an accurate grade estimate. This increased drilling density is particularly important for defining the extent of the high-grade Ag-bearing and Sn-bearing structures, and for categorizing the mineral resources from inferred to indicated, which have a major influence on overall grade and resources that will contribute to the preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”). An initial program of 5,700m of diamond drilling in 13 holes in the Santa Barbara starter pit area is planned to better define the vertical and lateral extent of high-grade Ag mineralization; fill-in gaps that are presently categorized as low-grade or waste in the resource model but are very likely mineralized; expand the higher-grade Sn mineralization to the west; and complete an additional 1,400m in two large size PQ holes for further metallurgical testing. Drill pads are expected to be completed by mid-September for start up of this initial diamond drilling program. The Santa Barbara Adit and area will be of particular interest and focus, where previous systematic continuous channel sampling along the adit returned average grades of 164.96 g Ag/t, 0.46%Sn, 3.46% Pb and 0.14% Cu over 166m including 446 g Ag/t, 9.03% Pb and 1.16% Sn over 56.19m. Once this initial 7,100m drilling program is completed, an additional 7,000m drilling program is planned in the polymetallic Ag-Zn-Pb and Sn-Ag domains to produce an independent updated mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) which will be reported and incorporated into the PEA. The Eloro team continue to look for opportunities to process tin zones for recovery of cassiterite either after cessation of the aforementioned Ag-Zn-Pb project by adding a tin plant onto the existing flotation plant infrastructure already installed or construction of a stand-alone tin plant. A silver rich bi-product is envisaged from processing the tin-silver domain that would be commercialized separately. The tin–silver sulphide domain will be metallurgically tested so it can be included in the PEA study. A conceptual scoping study has been initiated that will identify the potential for developing an underground ramp into the core of the Santa Barbara zone, with the following objectives: Extract systematic bulk and channel samples to confirm grade and continuity of mineralization especially for Ag and Sn Generate samples for external laboratory bulk metallurgical test work Potentially leading to a small pre-concentration plant to generate additional metallurgical data on this important stage in the process and permit pre-concentrated “ore” that could be treated at Empresa Minera Villegas SRL’s lead-zinc-silver differential flotation plant located 15 km from Iska Iska for the production of silver-rich lead and zinc concentrates. This would potentially provide a source of short-term income to help support the capital and operating costs of this initiative. It would also demonstrate the technical viability of the pre-concentration plant unit processes in readiness for the 35,000 tonnes per day bulk tonnage open pit mine model envisioned for the PEA. Detailed geological and engineering work to further assess the ground-water quality, contamination risks, predicting geologic hazards, characterizing mineral resources and their extraction costs, producing geotechnical information, waste repository siting and general education. Provide access for targeted underground diamond drilling to further upgrade the mineral resource
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Geological and Planned Drill Hole Location Map, Santa Barbara Potential Starter Pit Area.

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro: or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on Eloro’s Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. read more

Eloro Resources’ drill hole DHK-27 intersects 202.43g Ag eq/t (69.80g Ag/t, 1.21% Zn, 0.49% Pb, and 0.12%Sn) over 325.48m including a higher-grade portion of 395.98 g Ag eq/t (182.02g Ag/t, 1.73% Zn, 0.97% Pb, 0.18% Cu and 0.19%Sn) over 109.60m in the High-Grade Zone, Santa Barbara Deposit at the Iska Iska Silver-Tin Polymetallic Project, Potosi Department, Bolivia

The silver grades in DHK-27 are the highest and most extensive yet intersected in the Santa Barbara deposit. 50% of this 860m long hole, drilled from Huayra Kasa due west at -45 degrees, returned reportable intersections averaging 172.09 g Ag eq/t. Holes DHK-26, DHK-28, DHK-29, DHK-30 and DSB-42, which returned multiple intersections, are additional holes collared in the Huayra Kasa area that tested the eastern margin of the High-Grade Zone at Santa Barbara. Highlights include: 222.51g Ag eq/t (28.44g Ag/t, 3.11% Zn and 0.26% Pb) over 53.90m and 99.76 g Ag eq/t (32.59g Ag/t, 0.11 g Au/t and 0.54% Zn) over 82.38m (DHK-26). 79.22g Ag eq/t (26.62g Ag/t, 0.35% Zn and 0.35% Pb) over 141.56m including 162.77g Ag eq/t (67.00g Ag/t, 0.55% Zn and 1.30% Pb) over 23.85m (DHK-28). 176.28g Ag eq/t (19.10g Ag/t, 2.29% Zn and 0.27% Pb) over 21.30m and 82.48g Ag eq/t (5.07g Ag/t, 0.21 g Au/t, 0.78% Zn and 0.18% Pb) over 69.18m (DHK-29). 130.69g Ag eq/t (7.19g Ag/t, 1.83% Zn and 0.48% Pb) over 42.17m and 129.98g Ag eq/t (19.71g Ag/t, 1.50% Zn and 0.57% Pb) over 72.31m including a higher-grade portion of 208.42g Ag eq/t (33.10g Ag/t, 2.37% Zn and 1.00% Pb) over 34.64m (DSB-42). Channel sampling of the Mina1 and Mina2 underground workings in the southern part of the property approximately 2km south-southeast of the Santa Barbara adit, returned significant values in vein breccias as follows: 153.94g Ag eq/t (55.03g Ag/t, 0.11 g Au/t, 0.7% Zn, 0.16% Pb and 0.08 % Sn) over 145.95m of the northwest trending drift including a higher-grade portion of 285.16g Ag eq/t (120.18g Ag/t, 0.25 g Au/t 1.23% Zn, 0.30% Pb and 0.13% Sn) over 56.34m in Mina 1. 382.79g Ag eq/t (15.67g Ag/t, 1.70 g Au/t, 2.20% Zn and 0.75% Pb) over 68.53m in an east-west trending crosscut in Mina 2. A second shorter crosscut on a secondary subparallel structure approximately 20m to the south returned 475.78g Ag eq/t (69.31g Ag/t, 0.26 g Au/t, 5.62% Zn and 1.92% Pb) over 26.67m in Mina 2. Drilling across the valley of the Iska Iska Caldera indicates that this area is underlain by a coarse-grained porphyritic dacitic intrusion that is well mineralized with Ag, Zn and Pb and is the likely source of the extensive epithermal mineralization in the Santa Barbara and Central Breccia areas. The porphyry, now named the Iska Iska Porphyry, is approximately 800m by 600m and is notable for the absence of tin mineralization despite the abundance of tin in the nearby area. The tin at Iska Iska is likely the product of an earlier higher temperature and deeper tin porphyry, which has been overprinted by the later higher-level porphyry-epithermal Ag-Zn-Pb mineralization related to the Iska Iska Porphyry. The definition drilling has more than doubled the volume of the High-Grade Zone defined by the >90 g Ag eq/t grade shell model to approximately 1,000m along strike, 800m wide and extending to a depth of 1,100m. This zone is open to the south, west and northwest as well as at depth. Eloro is working closely with Micon International to provide all data necessary for estimation of the inaugural mineral resource estimate targeted for the end of Q1 2023. Magnetic inverse modelling and limited deep drilling suggest that the major tin porphyry is likely below the Iska Iska Porphyry and to the south and southwest in the Porco and Mina Casiterita areas. The tin porphyry will be a major focus of exploration in 2023.
ELO.V, Eloro, 321gold.com, Bob Moriarty, Bolivia, Iska Iska property,
Geological Plan Map showing Drilling in Santa Barbara Area with Holes referred to in this release highlighted

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce assay results from eight (8) additional diamond drill holes from its definition drilling program at the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic project in the Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. Hole DHK-27 was drilled from Huayra Kasa due west at -45 degrees to a length of 860m to fill-in gaps in previous drilling of the High-Grade Zone. Five (5) additional holes (DHK-26. DHK-28, DHK-29, DHK-30 and DSB-42) were drilled to the southwest from the Huayra Kasa area to test the eastern margin of the Santa Barbara deposit. Hole DSB-43 was drilled on southwest side of Santa Barbara and hole DSB-46 tested the potential south-southeastern extension. read more