Bayhorse Silver: Riding the VTEM Rocket

Bayhorse Silver, BHS.V, Silver, Copper, gold, Oregon, Idaho

Not quite a rocket, yet, but a year ago Bayhorse Silver (BHS.V) was very close to the end. While it had a silver mine, a mill and an ore sorter, it did not have a final permit which would allow it to actually operate its mine. In some jurisdictions, this would not have been a show stopper and the permit would arrive in short order. But the Bayhorse mine is in Oregon, a state where mining is politically unwelcome. The permit was going to take a while. read more

Bayhorse Silver: Mine, Mill, Production

BHS.V, Bayhorse Silver, silver, Oregon

Shareholders of Bayhorse Silver (BHS.v) have waited a long time for all of the details and logistics of the Bayhorse Mine in Oregon to fall into place. Graeme O’Neill, BHS’s CEO has been working hard for years to plan the mining operation, integrate the ore sorter and build a milling facility to produce concentrate. Every step of the way cost money and O’Neill has raised that money. read more