Cartier Iron to Commence Diamond Drilling to Test Geophysical Targets for Low Sulphidation Epithermal Gold-Silver Mineralization Along Major Structures at the Big Easy Gold Project, Newfoundland

- 2,000m diamond drilling program to commence by the end of January to test new IP targets and Central Anomaly on major magnetic trends
- 54.5 line-kilometres of additional IP surveys to be completed on major target area in southern part of claims
TORONTO, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cartier Iron Corporation (CSE: CFE) (“Cartier Iron”), is pleased to announce the start of a 2,000m, 7-hole diamond drill program at the Big Easy Gold Project in Newfoundland to test new Induced Polarization (IP) targets (see press release December 2, 2020) and follow-up drilling on the Central Anomaly where drilling in 2018 intersected a wide alteration zone which returned 0.11gAu/t and 2.65gAg/t over 180.4m (see press release December 18, 2018). Table 1 gives a list of proposed hole locations. An additional 54.5 line-kilometres of IP surveys will also be carried out to follow-up a major new target area outlined in the southern part of the property.