Eloro Resources Discovers Major Breccia Pipe with Extensive Silver Polymetallic Mineralization and a High-Grade Gold-Bismuth Zone in the Iska Iska Property, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Geological Plan Map with Drill Holes, Huayra Kasa Zone, Iska Iska Project
Figure 1Geological W-E Cross Section, looking north, Huayra Kasa Zone, Iska Iska Project
Figure 2Channel Sampling Plan Map Au-Bi, Huayra Kasa Underground, Iska Iska Project
Figure 3:Channel Sampling Plan Map Ag-Zn-Pb, Huayra Kasa Underground, Iska Iska Project
Figure 4Geology of Southern Bolivia in Iska Iska Area showing locations of Mines and Major Polymetallic Mineral Deposits
Figure 5- Number of extensive mineralized intersections in holes within major breccia pipe including 54.48 g Ag/t, 1.45% Zinc (Zn) and 1.60% Lead (Pb) over 16.39m (140.91 g Ag eq/t) within a broader interval of 122.74m grading 14.29 g Ag/t, 0.81% Zn and 0.41% Pb (53.67 g Ag/t eq) in Hole DHK-04;
- High Grade Gold-Bismuth zone averages 7.1 g Au/t and 0.2% Bi (8.29 g Au eq/t) over 3.04m width for strike length of 47m in underground workings and is open along strike to the north.
- 6.51g Au/t, 0.07% Bi and 31.96 g Ag/t (7.68 g Au eq/t) over 11.85m grading including 29.56 g Au/t,0.26% Bi/t and 63.69 g Ag/t (31.94 g Au eq/t) over 2.31m intersected in Hole DHK-05 on the strike extension of the high-grade Au-Bi zone.
TORONTO, Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF FSE: P2QM) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Minera Tupiza S.R.L., Eloro’s Bolivian subsidiary has completed 13 diamond drill holes totalling 2,898 metres of both underground and surface drilling at its optioned Iska Iska property in the Potosí Department of southern Bolivia. This is the first drilling ever carried out on the property. Figure 1 is a plan map showing locations of drill holes along with geology and alteration. Results from Hole DHK-01 to DHK-05 are reported in this press release; results for the other holes are pending. Due to the polymetallic nature of the deposit, silver equivalent (“Ag eq”) and where applicable gold equivalent (“Au eq”) values have been included for comparative purposes.