NexGen Announces Best Ever Discovery-Phase Intercept At Rook I Property

RK-25-232 intersects broad zone of intense mineralization including 3.9 m of >61,000 cps High-grade subdomain doubles in size to 210 m strike and 335 m vertical extent Represents best hole drilled at any NexGen property, including Arrow, during the discovery-phase of exploration
Figure 1: Interpreted model of mineralization at PCE (as of this release) and same exploration stage of the A2 shear mineralization from Arrow (as of Spring 2015); both are shown on long sections that look perpendicular to their primary mineralized planes; total mineralized footprint in orange and the high-grade subdomains in red; 2019 Feasibility Study notes 174.2 Mlbs U3O8 measured and indicated hosted by final A2 (CNW Group/NexGen Energy Ltd.)

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is excited to announce the best hole drilled to date, RK-25-232 (Figures 1 and 2). This hole has materially expanded the shallow inner high-grade subdomain at Patterson Corridor East (PCE). read more

NexGen Commences Expanded 43,000 Meter Drill Program at Patterson Corridor East

Figure 1: PCE area with drilling to date and relative location to Arrow. The primary target area (shown in green) outlines where testing for high-grade expansion and footprint extents will focus. (CNW Group/NexGen Energy Ltd.)

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is excited to announce the commencement of a 43,000 meter (m) exploration drill program to continue to test the extents and growth of mineralization discovered in early 2024 at Patterson Corridor East (PCE) located 3.5 km east of the world-class Arrow Deposit. This systematic program represents an increase of 9,000 m from the 2024 program and is expected to be one of the largest drill programs in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan in 2025. The initial results at PCE revealed vein-type uranium mineralization intersected within the competent basement rock, highly analogous to Arrow. Since discovery, the mineralized footprint at PCE has rapidly grown to 600 m along strike and 600 m of vertical extent (see November 12, 2024 news release). read more

NexGen Announces First Uranium Sales Contracts for 5 Million Pounds with Major US Utilities

Contracts feature market-related pricing mechanisms at time of delivery aligned with NexGen’s stated marketing strategy Strategic short-term agreements position NexGen to maximize value in strengthening uranium market

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is pleased to announce it has been awarded the first uranium sales agreements with multiple leading US nuclear utility companies. read more

NexGen Achieves Major Permitting Milestone

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (“CNSC”) has notified NexGen of successful completion of final Federal technical review. This is the key requirement to scheduling a Federal Commission Hearing date and subsequent Federal Project approval decision. The Federal Environmental Assessment (“EA”) and License represent the final major approval steps after having received Provincial EA approval in November 2023. In production, the Rook I Project is poised to make NexGen one of the world’s largest and most environmentally conscious mining companies.

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is excited and proud to announce a major milestone in the Federal EA process for its 100%owned Rook I Project (“the Project”). The CNSC has provided NexGen formal confirmation that the Company has successfully addressed all information requests received as part of the Federal technical review. With completion of the CNSC technical review, the next and final steps in the Federal approval process include scheduling a Commission Hearing Date for the Project, subject to which the CNSC will render an approval decision on the Project. read more

NexGen Announces Best Hole to Date (RK-24-222) and High-Grade Expansion at Patterson Corridor East Concluding a Successful 2024 Drilling Program

NexGen’s 2024 exploration campaign delivered a new discovery on Rook I at Patterson Corridor East (“PCE”) 3.5km east of Arrow. Subsequent drilling has materially expanded the mineralized zone to 600 m strike length and 600 m vertical extent with 19 of 30 holes intersecting mineralization including 10 holes with multiple intervals >10,000 cps. Today’s announcement highlights the best hole to date at PCE (RK-24-222) returns 17.0 m wide vein with multiple high intensity (>61,000 cps) occurrences. In 2024, PCE is the largest drill program in the Athabasca Basin by any Company at 34,000 meters (m).
Figure 1: Map view of PCE target area with the mineralized footprint wireframe shown in red; as of November 11, 2024 (CNW Group/NexGen Energy Ltd.)

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is proud to announce the completion of its 2024 drilling campaign at Patterson Corridor East (PCE) that included more than 34,000 m across a total of 46 drillholes. Upon initial discovery of intense uranium mineralization at PCE (see March 11 News Release), the Company directed all drilling activity to focus exclusively on PCE, whereby 19 of 30 holes intersected mineralization. Bold and systematic spacing of drillhole intercepts have quickly grown the discovery from a single hole to a broad and continuous new uranium discovery. Real-time evaluation of results throughout the duration of the program focused on determining the overall outer extents of the mineralized zone and in parallel, precisely targeting high-grade sub-domains (Figures 1 and 2, Table 1). read more

NexGen Announces Best Hole (RK-24-207) to Date and Material Expansion of Mineralized Zone at Patterson Corridor East

Figure 1: Schematic plan view of mineralized footprint at Arrow and PCE at the same stage of drilling; gravity as background with low values in blue (CNW Group/NexGen Energy Ltd.)

 NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is pleased to announce the mineralized zone at Patterson Corridor East (PCE) has materially expanded since the original discovery in the 2024 Winter Program (see NexGen News Release dated March 11, 2024). The Summer Drill Program commenced May 21st, with eight (8) out of twelve (12) drillholes intersecting mineralization to date (Figures 1 and 2, Table 1). Extensive mineralization plunges to the east with a span of 540 m along strike and 600 m vertical extent, showing wide intervals of elevated radioactivity that remain open at depth and along strike. In comparison, previously reported holes from PCE had identified two mineralized holes, 275 m apart. read more

NexGen Advances Through Completeness Check for the Final Federal Environmental Assessment Process

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is pleased to announce that on June 21, 2024 the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (“CNSC“) concluded their 30-day completeness check of NexGen’s May 21, 2024 submission of responses to the remaining 49 technical review comments and revised Federal Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS“) for NexGen’s 100% owned Rook I Project (“Rook I” or the “Project“). read more

NexGen Announces Additional Mineralization Discovered at Patterson Corridor East, Assays from RK-24-183 and Commencement of Expanded Summer Exploration Program

Figure 1: Schematic cross-section showing early holes at Arrow and PCE with relative depths of mineralization; follow up will primarily focus on blue shaded area down dip and along strike (CNW Group/NexGen Energy Ltd.)

NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE) (ASX: NXG) is pleased to announce drilling at Patterson Corridor East (“PCE“) has intersected mineralization in RK-24-193 over 67.5 metres (m) (383.5 to 451 m) across various intervals including up to 7,500 cps over 1.5 m (Figures 1 to 4, Table 1). RK-24-193 is located 275 m southwest along strike of RK-24-183 (discovery hole) and at approximately the same depth below surface. read more