Tocvan Outlines San Ramon Prospect at El Picacho as High Priority Drill Target. Highlights 90-meter Underground Drive with Average Rock Chip Samples of 5 g/t Au, Values up to 22 g/t Au

Tocvan Ventures Corp. (the “Company”) (CSE:TOC); (OTC:TCVNF); (FSE:TV3), is pleased to announce the completion of data compilation and surface evaluation of the San Ramon Prospect within the El Picacho Gold-Silver Project in Sonora, Mexico. Historic underground sampling competed by Timmins Gold in 2008, returned 23 one to two-meter rock chip samples ranging from 0.3 g/t Au to 22 g/t Au with Ag values up to 26 g/t (see Figure 1). Later sampling in 2016 by Millrock confirmed the high-grade results with five rock chip samples returning between 2.0 g/t Au to 18 g/t Au. The underground drive is thought to be completed between the 1950’s and 1970’s. A second underground working located 250-meters to the north returned nine rock chip samples ranging between 0.5 g/t Au and 8.2 g/t Au with Ag values up to 32 g/t (see Tables 1 & 2 for results). At San Ramon, high-grade gold values are recorded at surface over a 500-meter trend along a regional thrust fault contact. The Priority drill target area includes this trend plus the down-dip extension along the fault at depth to the west over 500-meters. The regional thrust fault is thought to be a major conduit for mineralization and both the older Precambrian gneiss and the younger Jurassic sediments below the fault show indications of strong alteration and high-grade mineralization.