Bayhorse Silver Maiden Resource 6 Million Ounce, NI-43-101 Inferred, Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, USA.
Bayhorse Silver Inc. (TSXV: BHS) (The “Company” or “Bayhorse”) is pleased to announce the release of a Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource for the 100% controlled Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, USA. The maiden resource is comprised of 292,300 short tons at an average grade of 21.65 troy ounces per ton (opt) silver (Ag) for total contained silver of 6,328,400 ounces. The mineralized material contains significant amounts of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), however the historic data utilized in the mineral resource estimate did not allow for a reliable calculation of the grade of Cu and Zn.